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Ocean City, Maryland Criminal Defense/DUI Lawyer

Ocean City MD Criminal and DWI DUI Legal Defense

No one plans or expects to be arrested while vacationing or visiting the Ocean City Maryland resort area.


Being charged with any crime is a frightening experience, especially when you are away from home and familiar territory.


This is especially true for a person who has never had contact with the criminal justice system. Suddenly, you find yourself pushed into a world in which you never imagined you would have any involvement. You are subjected to indignities you never thought you would experience. The stress of being the subject of an investigation or the trauma of being arrested, handcuffed and booked into jail can be overwhelming. It will make you question your most basic assumptions about what kind of person you are.


A few of the things that go through your mind:


1) How will this affect my job or future employment?

2) How will this affect my family?

3) How will this impact the opinion everyone has of me?


There is no such thing as a minor criminal offense. If you have been convicted or receive probation, you could be barred from certain careers and tagged with a criminal record for the rest of your life.  A criminal conviction can also impact your ability to rent a home or live in certain communities. If you are not a citizen, a criminal conviction can even get you deported.


Fortunately there's a chance that your life can go back to normal, but timing is critical. You need to know your rights under the law and act to protect them immediately.


Don't wait to get help.


Timely intervention, negotiation, and preparation by an experienced local Ocean City criminal defense attorney is your best option.


I am an Ocean City criminal defense attorney in private practice and former Worcester County  Public Defender Panel Attorney who has been practicing law full-time in Ocean City for over 30 years. I live here, and have been an Ocean City resident for over 30 years.


My office provides local, personalized representation in a supportive, hands-on fashion. I have guided countless people through this emotional and legal maze with two goals in mind:


1) avoiding  jail if at all possible, and,

2) avoiding a criminal conviction, if at all possible.


I strive to minimize the effects of a criminal case on your life.


A Compassionate, Common Sense Attorney At Your Service


I understand that you may have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or perhaps made an error in judgment that has resulted in your current situation. I do not judge you. Just the opposite, in fact. I listen to what you and your family have to say — and I really hear you. Your questions and concerns are never brushed aside.


Extensive Experience Working With Those Charged With A Crime For The First Time.


Many of my clients are first time offenders that have never been charged with a crime and have had no prior experience with the criminal justice system. I understand that good people can make mistakes while in unfamiliar territory on vacation or at a special occasion in the resort area.


Many crimes are falsely reported and many people are wrongly charged. Good people can make mistakes and get arrested even when they have done nothing wrong. Regardless of the merits of the case, being accused of a crime often results in a tremendous amount of emotional pain and anxiety for the accused and their loved ones.


Many of my clients are college students, young people and other visitors who are charged with criminal offenses such as possession of marihuana or other drug charges, assault, drunk and disorderly charges, DUI, DWI, or even simple traffic tickets as tourists while visiting the Ocean City, Maryland area. I understand how difficult it can be to handle your criminal defense from a distance when you live and work in another city or state.  I am well prepared and accustomed to this challenge.


I often develop a strong, personal relationship with my clients and their families, and strive to provide the same level of defense I would want if the accused were my child, friend or family member.


Affordable Legal Representation At Reasonable Rates


I realize that you work hard for your money and that we live in a challenging economy, so I make my fees reasonable and offer affordable payment plans. Unlike some lawyers who charge an hourly rate, in most cases I offer a reasonable flat rate so that you know the total amount that you will be responsible for upfront and there will be no surprises about fees.


Types of Cases Where I Offer Assistance

Many defense attorneys advertise that they once worked as a prosecutor or police officer. I have never worked to incarcerate individuals accused of crimes, nor would I. Since opening my Ocean City area criminal law practice I have always been an independent advocate for and defender of those accused of crimes. Avoiding conviction and jail for my clients, for the very type of crime for which you or your family member is now being accused, has always been my goal.


For over 30 years, I have been providing personalized representation to those vacationing or visiting the Ocean City Maryland resort area. Some examples of the types of cases for which I offer assistance:


Traffic Violations Charges – including Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License, Driving While Uninsured, Reckless or Negligent Driving, Exceeding Speed Limit, Failure To Yield, Traffic Control Device Violation, and other violations arising out of traffic accidents.


A traffic offense in the State of Maryland can result in a variety of legal consequences and depending on the charge, the consequences can be quite severe. Many of these offenses are the result of poor judgment, a clerical error or a simple mistake, yet they can have disastrous consequences. For example, those charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License, and certain other serious traffic related offenses can face significant jail time in addition to hefty fines. Having a permanent criminal record could even have an impact on you being able to rent an apartment, get a job, or secure a loan.


Minimizing the Impact on Your Driving Record: “Points” Can Raise Your Insurance Rates and Can Result In the Loss of Your License.


And then there’s the matter of “points.” The assessment of points can affect your insurance rates and potentially result in the suspension or revocation of your driver's license by the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA).


I understand how important maintaining your driving privilege can be. Often the effects that a traffic offense, DWI, or DUI may have on the status of your driver's license in the future are unforeseen.


Many people mistakenly believe that they can handle their traffic infraction case on their own.


Nearly everyone has had a run in on the road with a police officer, right? Unfortunately, most do not realize how complicated a traffic case can be, even when it appears simple and straightforward.


If you have received a traffic ticket or been cited for a motor vehicle violation in the Ocean City Area or anywhere in Worcester County, Maryland, you want an experienced local attorney to advocate for your rights. Don't appear without an experienced local Ocean City area criminal attorney with you.


If you want to avoid the points and attempt to reduce the fine then you should Contact Me Today to find out how I can help. I work hard to get to the facts, and will evaluate your traffic case and develop a specific legal strategy to address the charges and minimize the potential consequences. 


Drug Possession Charges – including Possession of Marihuana With Intent to Distribute, Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance (CDS).


In my criminal practice I encounter many tourists and other visitors to the Ocean City area charged with simple possession of various kinds of drugs. Often they are college students, young people and other tourists and visitors to our area. Many of my clients have been arrested for drug possession without being aware that any illegal contraband was in the hotel room or condominium unit they were staying at or in the car they were riding. Sometimes they are one of a number of individuals charged by the police in a sweep of a residence or vehicle.


Many are tempted to dismiss and shrug-off these charges as “not a big deal.” Make no mistake. It can be a VERY big deal if you have a drug related conviction on your record.


It can harm your future. It could impact your career, job prospects, immigration status, security clearance status, eligibility for Federal Student Loans, and future social opportunities. Today, anyone can easily view your criminal history with the ease of a few mouse clicks.  You can bet that many people that matter to your future will do just that.


Don't Go to Court Alone.


A criminal conviction can affect the rest of your life. You could also spend years in jail, pay fines, Court costs and regret not having a local, experienced attorney advising you on the best decisions in your Ocean City Maryland criminal case.


Assault Charges – including Second Degree Assault, Domestic Assault, Disorderly Conduct, Battery, Resisting Arrest, Affray.


In my practice I have observed that people sometimes do things while on vacation and visiting the Ocean City area that they wouldn't normally do at home. Good people will sometimes drink too much while on vacation, get drunk, get into fights, break into apartments, break or damage the personal property of others and often act more aggressively or violently then they would otherwise due to their excessive alcohol consumption.


In some larger metropolitan areas, a charge of assault and battery or disorderly conduct is not a big deal. But here in Ocean City, Maryland, these matters are treated more seriously and given more attention and focus by local law enforcement and prosecutors.


Case preparation and investigation is essential to success. It is imperative that we develop a legal strategy to address the charges and minimize the potential consequences. 


Criminal Citations & Town of Ocean City Municipal Civil Citations – including Minor In Possession of Alcohol, Possession of An Open Alcohol Container, Noise Violations.


Property Charges - including Theft, Shoplifting, Malicious Destruction, Trespassing and Burglary.


I often see young defendants who are inclined to not treat seriously what they perceive as minor offenses such as shoplifting or theft. In reality, the exact opposite is true as crimes involving a breach of trust or dishonesty are not "minor" in that they can have quite a dramatic effect upon a young person's future employment and social opportunities. 


Given the ease of viewing one's criminal history online, a conviction for these types of offenses can be damaging and far-reaching.


Worcester County/Maryland District Court Ocean City Arrest Warrant - including an open warrant for your arrest relating to a new or existing charge.


Worcester County/Maryland District Court Ocean City Bench Warrant For Failure To Appear (FTA) - including an open warrant for your arrest relating to your failure to appear in Court when you were scheduled to appear.


Expungement of Criminal Records – including assistance erasing and Expunging record of a Maryland arrest and court proceeding.


Have you ever been arrested in Maryland? Made some mistakes in your past and wound up with an arrest and a minor criminal charge in Maryland?


If so, you have a record. Even if your Maryland case was dismissed, you may still have an arrest and police criminal record. Court records are not always automatically erased or expunged after a certain period.  


Your Maryland criminal arrest and court record is public information able to be viewed by anyone and available over the Internet for any person or company conducting a background search to discover.


I am often contacted by job seekers worried that a prospective employer may discover their criminal record-- preventing them from being hired. Sometimes job applicants are told that their criminal record disqualifies them from the position they are seeking. Current employers who have performed background checks and discovered a Maryland criminal record may decide to have their employee terminated.


A Maryland expungment is the removal of  Maryland court and police records from public inspection. Once your arrest record has been expunged it is no longer considered a public record under Maryland law and will not show up on your official background check. 


Some mistakes in life—especially those made years ago-- cost more than others. No mistake should cost you your future.


Heard Enough? Take Action TODAY


You want to put your case behind you and move on with your life. Call me today for a CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION at 410.524.5000 or simply take a moment to fill out my confidential Contact Form. The additional details you provide will greatly assist me in responding to your inquiry.


My Mission is simple - Extremely Satisfied Clients. When the case is over, I want my clients to feel that retaining my legal services was the best decision they could have made.


You deserve respect and a strong criminal defense advocate that will fight for your rights. Please Contact Me today to schedule a free, no obligation consultation.

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